Answer by Law of Kamma :- Signature and Better Life
An audience would like to know the importance of signature.
QA for Life :- The bad offering
If someone does the bad offering, what will he get from this bad offering? Luang Phaw has the answer.
I Cried Like an Owl
One lady grew up in the family that had lots of conflict. Her grandfather always got drunk and pushed her grandmother who was 8-9 month pregnant down the stair. Her parents always argued with each others and her mom was often abused. She tried to commit suicide when she was 11. Fortunately, her life started changing once she knew the Dhammakaya Temple.
What are the Blessings of Life
Hearing this question, it was not considered to be very difficult. However, once there was a person who answered this question
Cherishing our Husband or Wife # 2
He must praise his wife in secret. Once a man is married he should show off his wife to the public. He should have a proper
Stealing, Is it Necessary?
Anybody who loves and protects his own life will try to work hard to get money, food, and other things to maintain his life. We do not want others to take the things that we love.
Mother Still Cares
Not knowing the truth of life is extremely dangerous and because of this she made many errors before she got to know Wat Phra Dhammakaya. The DMC channel made us aware of the truth of life. This is fundamental because to lead a wrong life is more painful than not being alive.
Is there a way to console or recommendation we can offer to encourage who wishes to commit suicide to choose life?
It’s the case of knowing someone who’s undergoing untold suffering and distress and wishes to commit suicide. Is there a way to console or recommendation we can offer to encourage him to choose life?
Some people have compared the Bodhisatta’s renunciation of his life and someone committing a suicide. Please explain how the two are different.
The Most Ven. Phramongkolthepmuni - Biography (I)
The biography of the Most Ven. Phramongkolthepmuni. His family, juvenile and why he pledged that he would be ordained throughout his life.